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[PLUS] Dynamic Portfolio Management: Staying in Harmony with Shifting Trends

August 10, 2021

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

The overall weight of evidence continues to argue for caution and we have yet to see a decisive shift toward a risk-on environment. But we have made some changes to our dynamic portfolios to stay in harmony with the shifting trends within the equity market.

In the Cyclical portfolio we’ve thrown in the towel on our Energy sector exposure and are positioning to benefit from the resumption of the uptrend on bond yields. Financials and other cyclical value areas appear poised for another round of leadership.

In the Tactical Opportunity portfolio we are putting some of our cash to work (though continue to have a healthy amount on the sidelines - remember cash is an asset class). We are adding to strength within our domestic equity exposure and see an opportunity to add global exposure at a time when many foreign ETF have already been struggling with overhead supply.