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In the Nick(el) of Time

July 25, 2021

We're back to discuss some commodity ideas that are looking good at current levels. For the longest time, we've been looking out for a commodity supercycle. Over the past few months, we saw base metals halting their move and digesting their gains. But there are certain pockets that are demanding our attention so we thought what better than to share them with you!

Nickel is trading at lifetime highs, ladies and gentlemen! That's big news coming at a time when we're seeing a mess in most asset classes and markets. With the close in the week gone by, the base metal moved past its resistance and closed above it.

As we can see below, the price was finding it difficult to get past the level of 1,425. Now with that out of the way, we're looking at a target of 1,630 in Nickel. 1,425 will continue to act as the risk management level. If we know anything about the recent move in base metals, then we know not to put all our eggs in one basket.

Several premature breakouts later we've reached this point. So it is all the more important to be clear about your risk management level!

Click on the chart to zoom in.

Let's check out what some other base metals are up to.

Zinc is another base metal that's peeping out of its burrow after a while. With the move past 243, Zinc is also trading at lifetime highs. It is interesting to note that in the move prior to this, commodities like Nickel and Zinc were laggards. They were the last to join the party.

Whereas now, they're the first ones to get out of consolidation.

Another price action to notice is how the price consolidated above its Fibonacci level. This is the kinda move we like to see. Price consolidating below the Fibonacci level, that's our exit!

Zinc is positive with a risk management level of 243, and a target of 286.

Aluminium was the leader of the pack a few months back. Right now we're noticing a tight consoliation above the fibonacci level- which is a good thing.

As long as the price remains above the level of 195, the bias is positive. The target in this case is 238.

Can these moves be another premature breakout?

Most certainly.

Is there any way of knowing for sure?

Unfortunately, no.

This is where risk management comes into the picture.

Which base metals are you interested in? Please let us know, we love to hear from you!

Allstarcharts Team