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[PLUS] Weekly Market Notes & Breadth Trends

May 17, 2021

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

Key Takeaway: Investors finding themselves with too much Technology exposure. Speculative unwind occurring as neglected areas of the market make new highs. Inflation concerns are overdone in the near term but represent a new reality for the coming decade.

Cyclical value sectors remain atop the relative strength rankings, with Financials and Materials (both of which made new highs last week even as the S&P 500 overall lost ground) holding on to the top two spots. The big gainer in this week’s rankings is Consumer Staples, which climbed three spots in the relative strength rankings. Staples also finished the week at a new high. The industry group heat map shows improving conditions widespread among large-cap groups and deteriorating conditions widespread among small-cap groups. Actual leadership is pretty consistent across sizes and is consistent with the sector rankings.