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[Podcast] Let's Talk About Bonds, Baby! w/ Larry McDonald

February 26, 2021

Whenever I want to talk about bonds, I always know just who to call. Larry McDonald is a former bond trader at Lehman Brothers and author of the book, Colossal Failure of Common Sense. I highly encourage you to give it a read, especially if you're looking for some perspective on what really happened back in 2007-2008.

It's no coincidence that I reached out to him to come on the podcast. Larry and I had a very timely conversation in February of last year. So with the bond market recently losing 5-6 Trillion dollars in such a short period of time, who better to talk to than by favorite bond trader.

This was fun. We talked about the current move in rates and how that's impacting stocks and bond markets around the world. If you're looking for color on Credit Spreads and Yield curves, this is the episode for you.

What's better than a good conversation about bonds? 

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