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[Video] The Next $100B Companies w/ Howard Lindzon

September 1, 2020

This week on the show, Howard and I talk about a really cool new scan that we've been working on here internally. You see, we do a ton of top/down analysis at Allstarcharts. So we've developed a series of bottoms/up filters to help supplement all that top/down work that we already do. This way, it makes it really hard for us to miss anything.

We recorded this video a couple of weeks ago and have already made a lot of progress on this concept of "2 to 100". We're looking for stocks graduating from Small-cap and entering Mid-cap status ($2B+ Market Cap). We'll be putting out more information on this particular universe of stock ideas soon, but for now check out how a friendly conversation can turn into a new valuable tool in a matter of weeks!

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