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[Video] Big Trends Monthly w/ Josh Brown

August 4, 2020

Welcome to my new Monthly show that I'm doing with my friend Josh Brown. He is one of the most widely followed Financial Advisors in the country, and someone who I've been arguing with about markets for the better part of 2 decades.

Every month I'll bring a handful of the the most important Monthly charts that stood out during my review. In our first episode, I wanted to discuss the S&P500 making new all-time highs, Transports leading the way in July, Rates hitting new all-time lows and Bitcoin starting a new breakout.

This is the chart that I think tells the July story best. The further to the left the asset is, the closer it is to a new a 52 week high. The higher up the asset, the better its performance in July. Notice Transports in the upper right: Relative weakness overall, BUT the best performer this month, followed by Emerging Markets, Gold and base metals. The lonely US Dollar down below stands out doesn't it? 

Check out my video in full over on Josh's Channel:

Candlestick charting originated in the 1700’s as speculators in the rice markets of feudal Japan saw the advantage of visualizing the four most important prices of the day: Opening, closing, high and low. As each month comes to an end, every investable asset class produces a new candle on its monthly chart. These are most notable monthly candles and the stories behind them.

Josh's original post

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