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All Star Interviews Season 3, Episode 18: Larry McDonald, Bear Traps Report & NY Times Best Selling Author

February 26, 2020

Larry McDonald is the guy I turn to when I want to talk about the Bond Market. He always has something insightful about what's happening that I'm probably not seeing. We've become friends over the years but I originally got to know who Larry was by reading his book, Colossal Failure of Common Sense. This is a book about the collapse of Lehman Brothers being told by a bond trader inside the firm. I encourage you to pick it up and give it a read. It will give you good insight as to what exactly was taking place at the time. In this podcast Larry tells us a good story about the day his team had the most profitable day in the history of the bond desk at Lehman and Dick Fuld didn't even bother to come down and say hi.

The market today is different than it was in 2019. What's going on in the bond market is playing a huge role. I couldn't think of a better time that the present to bring in my friend Larry McDonald to discuss what we're seeing out there in the markets. This is always a lot of fun talking to one of my favorites!