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All Star Interviews Season 3, Episode 17: Jeff Hirsch, Author of The Stock Trader's Almanac

February 18, 2020

Jeff Hirsch is the Author of the Annual Stock Trader's Almanac. He, and before that his father Yale Hirsch, has been publishing the must-read almanac every year since 1967. This year is the 53rd edition of the Almanac and a lot of the smartest traders I know keep the most recent copy on their desk. I personally have issues I've kept going back decades. When it comes to Seasonality, whether it's the 1-year cycle, Presidential cycle, or even intra-month and intra-week cycles, Jeff is the person I turn to first. The month of January brings along a ton of information we can use to help us make decisions in the stock market the rest of the year. The track record is pretty spectacular, as we discuss in this episode. Today, Jeff uses these seasonal trends to help him in his role as Chief Strategist at Probabilities Fund Management. In this episode of the podcast we discuss what the down January might mean for the rest of this year, how markets tend to behave on Election Years and why Seasonal trends are so important to recognize.

Charts and Graphs for this Episode are all available inside the 2020 Stock Trader's Almanac