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All Star Interviews Season 3, Episode 7: Denise Shull, Performance Coach & Founder of The ReThink Group

August 25, 2019

This week we have a special treat on the podcast. Denise Shull is a Performance Coach and founder of The ReThink Group.  She is widely believed to be the inspiration for the character Wendy Rhoades on the Showtime series Billions. We have a lot of different perspectives on the podcast all revolving around the behavior of the market and its participants. In this episode we focus more on the behavior of the participants themselves and why traders do the things they do. Denise shares stories about different clients she has and the ways they overcome things like loss aversion, being too aggressive and not being aggressive enough. We discuss the differences between male and female traders, the advantages women have in this field and reasons why there are so few women on Wall Street. I really enjoyed this conversation because I think it's important to understand that there are real humans on the other side of our trades. Even if they are algos built by humans, the people are still there and it's important to understand their side. One of the best things she said was about how regardless of our strategy, we need to remember that the ultimate goal is to figure out why someone would pay a higher price in the future for the stock you're buying now. We want to think about what they're thinking. Give it a listen. It's a good one!



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