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We're A Technical Analyst 2019 Awards Winner!

June 26, 2019

For over a decade I've been following the annual Technical Analyst Awards each year when they come out. I get excited when my friends are finalists and even award winners.

I am incredibly proud to announce that Allstarcharts Research is the 2019 Winner for Best Fixed Income Research!

Our work was also chosen as a Finalist in 3 other categories:

  • Best Equity Research
  • Best Multi-Asset Research
  • Technical Analyst of the Year

I learned a long time ago that being included in a list of individuals is only as good as who else is on the list. So to be included with fellow Technicians like Sheba Jafari of Goldman Sachs, Ari Wald of Oppenheimer, Frank Cappelleri of Instinet and many others is an incredible honor for me and the rest of our team.

Even more of a thrill has to be reading through the list of judges. These are the people who chose us over many of the other amazing Technicians around the world. This list of judges includes people like Constance Brown, Julie Dahlquist, Bruce Kamich, Martin Pring, Ron William and Larry Williams. I've looked up to and learned from a lot of them throughout my entire career.

It's an incredible honor and I'm happy I get to share this with you today.

Thank you so much!



Here is some of the work we put out on Bonds last year:

Checking In on the Bond Market

Stress In Credit Points to Things Getting Worse

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