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All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 18: Greg Harmon, Dragonfly Capital

March 15, 2019

Greg Harmon is one of the OGs of the Financial Blogosphere. He has been consistently contributing to the community for over a decade. For you new comers, this is how it's done. Greg is the founder of Dragonfly Capital, where he is the portfolio manager and I encourage you to follow him on Twitter @harmongreg. He paid his dues early in his career traveling around the world and holding senior positions including Head of Global Trading, Head of Product Development, Head of Strategy and Director of Equity at JP Morgan, State Street and BNP Paribas. It was not until after all of this experience that he started his blog and joined our FinTwit community. In this conversation we discuss how although he is both a CFA Charterholder and CMT, he chooses to incorporate more of a technical approach to markets. He then takes it one step further by using options to both maximize returns and, more importantly, manage risk. He is the author of Trading Options and I recommend getting a copy as soon as possible. This was a good conversation with one of the smart guys in the room.



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The Trade Desk $TTD


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