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Podcast: One On One With Jon Bloom, Head of Institutional Sales at Allstarcharts

February 14, 2019

Jon Bloom is the Head of Institutional Sales for us here at All Star Charts. He brings over 20 years of experience as a sell side trader. We're thrilled to have him as part of the team and I invited him on the podcast to share his thoughts on the way the business has changed since the 80s and 90s. The old model is broken and dying a slow and depressing death. We're fortunate to be positioned to take advantage of these changes and I think we've done a good job of filling that void. Buy side clients are simply not getting the service they need because of the conflicts of interest on wall street, so they've been coming to us for help.

As the Chief Strategist, I'm winning all day because I get to speak with some of the biggest and most powerful Portfolio Managers on earth, every day. I should be paying them!

Jon Bloom does a good job of explaining why that old business is over and why he decided to join us at All Star Charts specifically last year. We've had a lot of different perspectives on the podcast, but this is the first time that we are really able to dive into the actual business. I really enjoyed this one so I hope you find as much value from it as I did.

If you are interested in opening an Institutional Account, you can fill out an Application Here


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