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All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 11: Arun Chopra of Fusion Point Capital

December 6, 2018

A conversation with Arun Chopra is one that makes you smarter. That's how I see it. Arun has formal training as both a CFA Charterholder and a CMT. He has helped produce award winning films at the Sundance Film Festival and he's on the same journey as us: to make money in the market. He uses a combination of global macro, technical and sentiment indicators that he is working on putting into a more quantitative model. Picking his brain about the process and his experiences in this endeavor was really enlightening. In this episode we discuss current markets, sector rotation, credit spreads widening and the possibilities for the US Stock Market Indexes to break to new lows. I really enjoyed this discussion with Arun. I always do.

Behavioral Buy / Sell Pressure

S&P500 2008 & Bitcoin 2017

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Behavioral Indicators S&P500


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S&P500 2011


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S&P500 2011-2018


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Buy/Sell Pressure Reversal Indicators 2018


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"Fed Pulls the Punchbowl"


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Cyclical Moves Within Secular Breakout


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Valueline Geometric Index


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Earnings & 10-yr Yield

1973-1974 & 1929

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