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All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 10: James Bartelloni, The Intermarket Musician

November 7, 2018

This is a special episode for me. James Bartelloni, CMT was one of my early mentors in the field of Technical Analysis. It's a treat to be able to have him join us on the podcast. What I like about Bart is that every time we chat, he gets me thinking about something new. He looks at the market in a different way than most market participants. His risk management techniques include sacred geometry, musical notes and lunar cycles, among others. It's always an interesting conversation with Bart, the editor of the blog If this episode gets you thinking differently and gets you a bit out of your comfort zone, mission accomplished!


  • Consumer Staples vs S&P500 Ratio –
  • Consumer Staples vs Nasdaq100 –
  • Apple vs Palladium –
  • Google vs Aerospace & Defense –
  • Constructing The Universe –
  • Drawing Circles –
  • Musical Note E –

Consumer Staples vs S&P500 Ratio


Click image to enlarge


Consumer Staples vs Nasdaq100


Click image to enlarge


Apple vs Palladium


Click image to enlarge


Google vs Aerospace & Defense


Click image to enlarge


Constructing The Universe

Guide - Click for more

Click image to enlarge


Drawing Circles

Guide - Click for more

Click image to enlarge


Musical Note E

Guide - Click for more

Click image to enlarge


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