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Introducing: All Star Options!

May 9, 2018

I've been looking forward to this day all year. All Star Options is now live - Go check it out!

Over the years we've built a customer base of smart, well informed and eager to learn investors from all over the world. Active Traders, Hedge Funds, Banks, Financial Advisors and many others come to Allstarcharts for unbiased technical analysis research with invariable consistency. We service most of the largest and most powerful financial institutions on earth, but the price point is also approachable for investors trading their own accounts.

Since creating this research platform, I've noticed an overwhelming demand for options strategies. Until now, traders have just taken my work and then crafted options trades to express some of my best ideas in the derivatives market. I get emails from Wall Street Traders, for example, telling me how much business they get what they turn my ideas into options trades for their buy side clients. Individual traders do the same, but for their own accounts.

This extra step ends now.

I have brought on my friend and options wizard Sean McLaughlin, who many of you know as @chicagosean on the various social medias. Sean is someone who I turn to for help with options. I don’t claim to be an expert with all the Greeks. That’s not me. I’m a technician who analyzes the behavior of the market to find areas of strength and weakness. Sean is now taking my research and identifying very specific opportunities in the options market to profit from those ideas.

I've gotten to know Sean for almost a decade. It's not just his intelligence that has attracted me, it's his work ethic, good intentions, positive attitude and overall great heart. It's not just about being smart, it's making sure your head is in the right place to best take advantage of opportunities when they come.

I don't think there is a better combination in the world right now. With our team already doing the top/down global technical analysis work, Sean incorporates his options expertise to provide only the best opportunities in the US Options Market consistently day in and day out.

I am pleased to welcome you to All Star Options, the first professional research platform to combine our top/down technical approach to global markets with consistent, simple to execute options strategies.

Members of the new Options Research Platform will receive regular emails throughout the week that will include very specific trade ideas with well-defined risk and exponentially greater profit potential. Members also get access to a live video conference call at the beginning of each month with both Sean and myself discussing the current market environment, reviewing former trades, identifying new opportunities and answering questions from our very intelligent community.

One of the more exciting features of All Star Options is the ability to contact either Sean or me for any questions, concerns or strategy. When it comes to the Technical Analysis behind the ideas, just go to the Members section and contact me directly. Have an idea and need help crafting an options strategy to execute that thesis in the options market? Sean is always available to walk you through it and share his experiences to help you pick which calls and puts fit the needs of your plan!

For a limited time only, we're offering a deep discounted price for Founding Members of All Star Options:

Whether you sign up for $379 per quarter, or $1279 per year, this comes with a 30-day risk Free trial. So if for whatever reason you decide it's not for you, we'll give you a 100% refund no questions asked!

I think you guys are going to love this! Go sign up and email Sean and me right away!



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