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Meet Me In Denver February 26th for Charts & Craft Beers!

February 21, 2018

Next Monday I will by flying to Denver to speak at the local chapter of the CMT Association. This is my favorite time of the year to be in Colorado, so I'm thrilled to be there talking about charts and meeting with local traders and investors. I will do my best to walk you through my process from the top down and show you how I'm incorporating these tools in today's market environment.

This event is Free, but limited space is available. I encourage you to join us for a bunch of charts and then we'll grab some beverages afterwards with the Colorado Traders and Investors Group as well as members of the CMT Association. Here are all the details:

The Denver Chapter of the CMT Association invites you to our meeting on Monday, February  26, 2018.  We are pleased to have JC Parets, CMT as our guest speaker for this event.

We encourage you to bring clients or colleagues interested in technical analysis to this presentation. We look forward to seeing you there!  Space is limited, please register as soon as possible! 
Jason Meshnick, CMT
Louis Llanes, CFA, CMT
Denver Chapter Co-Chairs

Monday, February 26, 2018

4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
6:00 PM – Happy Hour!

Technical Analysis of Global Markets Using the Top/Down Approach
JC will walk you through his top/down process of analyzing securities around the world. He will begin with a global macro perspective of identifying trends, looking for relative strength and momentum. Then he’ll break things down to the sector and industry level while finishing up with individual stocks, ETFs and Futures to execute a thesis. He will use examples in the current market environment to explain the process so this will be educational but will also include actionable ideas for all attendees.

JC Parets, CMT

Spaces Denver – Ballpark
2301 Blake Street
Denver, CO 80205

Free to members and non-members

Please register as soon as possible – Limited Space Available


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