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I'm In Texas This Week. Come Hang Out!

September 2, 2018

I'm in Texas all week talking charts and watching college football. I will be presenting at the local chapters of the CMT Association, including Dallas, Austin and Houston. If you're in the area, I invite you to join us one of these evenings for a walk through what we're currently seeing in the market. I'll show you how I incorporate a top/down approach looking at global stock indexes and U.S. sectors & industry groups to ultimately find individual stocks to buy and sell.

Here are the details:

*Note the time for the Dallas meeting has been changed to 4PM ET

I'm Coming To Toronto On August 23rd!

August 8, 2018

On Thursday August 23rd I will be putting on a presentation at the Toronto CFA Society at 4:15PM. This is a free event where I will be discussing the current market environment, walking through strategy and talking about how we find individual investing ideas. We will also save time for Q&A at the end because I really enjoy the back and forth. We'll find a local bar afterwards and continue the conversation.

This event is free for everyone but I'm told that space is limited so lock in your seat right away! Here are the registration details:

I'm Coming To Texas September 4-6: Dallas, Austin & Houston!

August 1, 2018

I'm really excited to share with you guys that I will be coming to Texas in early September for a series of events put on by the CMT Association. I will be speaking at the Dallas Chapter on September 4th, Austin September 5th and Houston on September 6th.

Each of these events will be free to both Members and Non-members of the CMT Association, so everyone is welcome. Here are the dates and details:

Slide Deck From Traders Carnival 2018

June 6, 2018

I'm back in the United States and I must say, it was truly a pleasure attending this year's Traders Carnival in Mumbai. The interest in Techncial Analysis was off the charts! (see what I did there?) The people were amazing and the food was outstanding. The entire experience was really enjoyable for me and my younger sister, who tagged along with me to Mumbai this time.

Many of you have been asking about the slide deck I used during my first presentation to kick off the event. You can download the entire PDF here:

Meet Me In Denver February 26th for Charts & Craft Beers!

February 21, 2018

Next Monday I will by flying to Denver to speak at the local chapter of the CMT Association. This is my favorite time of the year to be in Colorado, so I'm thrilled to be there talking about charts and meeting with local traders and investors. I will do my best to walk you through my process from the top down and show you how I'm incorporating these tools in today's market environment.

This event is Free, but limited space is available. I encourage you to join us for a bunch of charts and then we'll grab some beverages afterwards with the Colorado Traders and Investors Group as well as members of the CMT Association. Here are all the details:

My Chart Summit 2018 Presentation: Applying Our Technical Tools To Today's Markets

January 30, 2018

This weekend was our second annual Chart Summit. I still can't believe all the amazing feedback that continues to come in after this event. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, both the presenters and the audience members. I didn't think we could make something even better than the original, but I think based on the responses, we may have actually pulled it off. Wow!

Our video production folks are hard at work putting all the videos together, but I've picked out the ones I did so I can share with all of you as soon as possible. The rest will be out this week.

Slide Deck for Bloomberg Presentation in Mumbai 1-11-18

January 12, 2018

This week has been an incredible experience in India! If you had the chance to make it to my presentation at Bloomberg in Mumbai Thursday I really do appreciate you coming. I may be the one presenting my thoughts on local markets, but trust me, I'm the one winning at the end. The conversations and interactions with traders here has been extremely eye opening and educational. This is how I learn - by talking with people smarter than I am. It's not hard to find that around here. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Many of you have asked for the slide deck from the presentation so here you go:

Slide Deck for Bloomberg Presentation in Mumbai 1-11-18

January 12, 2018

This week has been an incredible experience in India! If you had the chance to make it to my presentation at Bloomberg in Mumbai Thursday I really do appreciate you coming. I may be the one presenting my thoughts on local markets, but trust me, I'm the one winning at the end. The conversations and interactions with traders here has been extremely eye opening and educational. This is how I learn - by talking with people smarter than I am. It's not hard to find that around here. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Many of you have asked for the slide deck from the presentation so here you go:

Free Webinar: Bitcoin is up 60% Since Our Buy Signal. Now What?

June 13, 2016

On April 5th 2016, I finally got on board and initiated coverage of Bitcoin. For years, readers had been pressing me to analyze the price behavior of Bitcoin, but I never felt it was a big enough/liquid enough market. After a healthy consolidation since the 4th quarter last year, I said, "If we break out from this base, we could see a monster rally towards $700".

That was enough for me and I put out an announcement in early April that we were initiating coverage of Bitcoin priced in U.S. Dollars from both short-term and longer-term perspectives. Sure enough, just a couple of weeks after we initiated coverage, prices broke out as we had hoped and it has been a screaming buy ever since. Members of All Star Charts have been receiving weekly updates since then and have benefited tremendously over a very short period of time. This weekend, Bitcoin hit our tactical upside target netting a 58% return in less than 2 months. But this doesn't mean that the trade is over. To the contrary, I think there are still plenty of opportunities in this space.