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My Chart Summit 2018 Presentation: Applying Our Technical Tools To Today's Markets

January 30, 2018

This weekend was our second annual Chart Summit. I still can't believe all the amazing feedback that continues to come in after this event. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, both the presenters and the audience members. I didn't think we could make something even better than the original, but I think based on the responses, we may have actually pulled it off. Wow!

Our video production folks are hard at work putting all the videos together, but I've picked out the ones I did so I can share with all of you as soon as possible. The rest will be out this week.

On Monday, I shared the video of the first presentation I gave which was about my process. You can watch that here. In this next video, we take all of those tools and techniques I explained in Video 1 and apply them to the current market environment. Here you will see me walk through the top/down approach using current global and US markets. Then we'll break things down to the individual sector & industries before finally isolating specific risk vs reward opportunities in individual stocks.

Here is the video in full:

The rest of the videos from this weekend's Chart Summit presentations will be available shortly. Make sure you've signed up below to receive them as soon as they are available!

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