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Technology: Still The Worst Sector

May 1, 2024

I know I've already said it a lot over the past few months, but for those people in the back who may not be able to hear so well...


The strategies that worked so well throughout 2023 are not the ones working this year.

Last year's leaders are some of the worst stocks in 2024.

The leaders in 2024, in many cases, were some of the worst sectors in 2023.

It's not bad or good. Better or worse. It's just different.

The better you get at adapting to the current environment, the fewer headaches you're going to have.

I'm 42 years old. I've been doing this for over 2 decades.

I have 3 kids.

Do you think I need more headaches at this point in my life? Or fewer?

And so that's why we've adapted our strategies to the current market, instead of trying to go to the beach in the winter, or wear a raincoat on a beautiful sunny day, like many investors like to do because they haven't bothered to check the weather.

So speaking of checking the weather...

Tonight is our LIVE Monthly Charts Conference Call for Premium Members of ASC, where we will be going over ALL the most important trends right now, including stocks, rates, gold, energy, tech and so much more.

Registration is open for Premium Members. We'll get going LIVE later today @ 6PM ET.

If you're not already a member, you can sign up here risk free or contact Mary here for details on how to attend tonight and get access to all our Premium Research and Trade Ideas.

Just look at these returns over the past 2 months:

The S&P500 down 1.82%.

The Dow is down 2.25%

The Nasdaq100 is down 4.6%

Technology is down 6.7%

Consumer Discretionary is down 4.8%

The leaders have been Utilities +9%, Energy +8% and Consumer Staples +2%.

Things started to change in February, as we've discussed here plenty.

But then it became very obvious that things were different once March came.

Those changes just continued throughout April.

We'll have to see what May brings, of course.

But if there is anything that we've learned from studying 100+ years of markets is that Asset prices trend.

We know.

It's a fact.

The data is public information. Go see for yourself.

Asset prices are NOT random, contrary to the popular belief of academics out there who haven't taken the time to actually count.

Asset prices trend.

We know.

And that's why Technical Analysis works. Because what do technicians do? (the good ones anyway...).

We look for trends.

And that's what we're going to be discussing today @ 6PM ET.

See you there!