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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (07-27-2023)

July 27, 2023

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

That was a big bounce this morning for the indices...

And then we faded, and gaps are getting filled to the downside.

We all know the market is in need of a breather, but it will do what it wants to do. I did miss some of my own trades today, but traders in the Live Trading Room captured them.

This is the $TGT trade I flubbed. I bought it, I wasn't patient, it ran to my price target, then I bought it back. I told the Live Trading Room it has room to 138!

Today I closed out the $HES shares that I've owned since January. I've bought it and sold it many times throughout the past six months. I can't list all the buys and sells.