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All Star Options

[Options Premium] Fade The Noise

May 7, 2019

If you've read headlines or watched Shout! TV over the past 36 hours, you've likely been tempted to make some bad decisions with your portfolio. Panic is like sex to the financial media -- panic sells. Panic attracts eyeballs, gets you glued in, which translates to advertiser dollars. That's all financial media cares about. Not you, and certainly not your portfolio.

Our choice as market speculators is to either succumb to the artificial stress placed upon markets to make decisions not in our best long-term interest, or to take the other side of the nonsense, trusting in cooler heads and price action to lead the way. You know which path we take here...


All Star Options

[Options Premium] Simple Bank Play

May 3, 2019

It's one thing to find a great opportunity to make a directional bet. But sometimes it can be be quite a challenge to express that trade with options due to a thin market of options for that stock. This would make a multi-legged options spread especially hard to pull off. In situations like these, I like to leverage the simplicity of naked options.


All Star Options

[Options Premium] Betting on a Bounce

April 24, 2019

Recent price action in a tech name has us opportunistically wading in to catch a possible earnings driven bounce. We don't often put trades on in anticipation of a reversal of price action (we tend to be drawn to trends), but in this case we have a stock that has pulled back in recent days to a major past breakout area and we've got an earnings event coming up that just may be the grease which gets the wheels turning back in the direction of the broader trend.


All Star Options

[Options Premium] Straight Chaser

April 22, 2019

Sometimes, stocks you want to own give you no chance to get in comfortably. They just start running and offer you no pullbacks to buy into. In hindsight, these are always the ones we wished we woulda just closed our eyes and hit market buy on. Of course, in real life and in real time, it's impossible to know when you're looking at a stock that is going to run straight up. One such stock that has given me a little of this FOMO (fear of missing out) has recently offered us a slight window to buy into. And at the time of this writing (Monday morning, April 22), S&P Futures are indicating a gap down opening for the broader market, perhaps adding to our chances of getting in at a better price.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Post Earnings Drift

April 17, 2019

A stock of interest for us recently impressed investors with their latest earnings report, sending shares on a gap higher at the open today. Now that the event is out of the way, options pricing (in terms of volatility) has collapsed, giving us a great opportunity to participate in what looks like an ideal candidate for a "Post Earnings Drift" move higher.

[Options] Feeling 100

April 15, 2019

Most regular readers of mine know I'm a big fan of the "hundred-dollar-roll."

If you aren't familiar with this phenomenon, essentially, its the tendency for traders and investors to be distracted by a big, sexy, (but ultimately meaningless) round number. And 100 is the most common of the big round numbers that captures the fancy of speculators new and old.

And this phenomenon isn't new. In fact, in Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (the greatest trading book ever written, in my opinion), Jesse Livermore mentions trading stocks as they approach 100, 200, or 300 was one of his favorite strategies as he could very often count on that large number acting as a magnet for buy orders -- which then eventually results in further follow thru for several more points beyond the round number. "There is nothing new on Wall Street," he'd say.

This is all on my mind as a household name and a darling of Wall Street and Main Street emerges from a nice bounce off its 50-day moving average and approaches 100...

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Looking for a Comfortable Stay

April 12, 2019

A beauty chart on monthly, weekly, and daily timeframes is setting up just under a major magnet level; there is an an earnings catalyst on the horizon which may goose the action in our favor quickly; and the premiums are relatively cheap for an upside bet. What's more, the company behind the stock offers us a great opportunity to sleep well while we ride out our thesis. What's not to love?

What stock could possibility offer all this?

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Taking What The Market is Giving

April 9, 2019

As long as Mr. Market wants to keep grinding volatility premiums in options lower, we'd be foolish not to be buyers of long calls with expirations 4-6 months out in individual names that are showing signs of upward momentum. Who are we to argue with Mr. Market?

The next candidate on our list hails from the telecom space.