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Is Europe About To Crush The Bears??

September 30, 2019

Nothing will frustrate stock market bears more than European Stocks breaking out to new all-time highs!

Do you know anyone who has anything positive to say about European Equities? Are conversations you're having and articles you're reading preaching strength and growth out of this area? I don't.

Prices, however, are telling a different story! Let me point you to the WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity Fund, which prices European stocks in local currency. This is similar to the $DXJ vs $EWJ Funds in Japan.

The way I see it, this looks like a consolidation within an ongoing uptrend and most likely the beginning of a NEW uptrend, and not near the end of an old one:

Video: Making The Bear Case For US Stocks

September 25, 2019

In this Episode of Allstarcharts Weekly, Steve and I make the bear case for US Stocks. I think we've been pretty clear about the fact that we believe stocks resolve this consolidation since 2018 higher, not lower. But I always think it's important to take the other side and consider the alternative. What will the market environment most likely look like if we're wrong, and we should be selling stocks rather than buying them. I think we brought up some good points here.

Money Game Podcast: The Irrational Permabear (EP.9)

September 19, 2019

We are back with another episode of The Money Game Podcast with Phil Pearlman. Today we talk about the inability for some people trade US stocks from the long side due to biases stemming from past experiences. This is a real thing that we see constantly. So we talk about the causes, being aware of these feelings and what can be done to overcome these hurdles. I'm lucky that I've been through enough bull market and bear market cycles to not get stuck into betting on just one side or the other. But some people have a real fear of admitting they're wrong and turning bullish at, what they think might be, precisely the wrong time. Some of this is driven by ego and some is just irrational anxiety. This is a really important conversation and one that I will likely listen to again several times over in the future.

Weigh All The Evidence! How Stock Market Analysis and Blind Tasting Wine Are Exactly The Same!

September 16, 2019

We've all been there and we've all seen others do it to. We get one data point and then all of sudden we're drawing direct conclusions based on that number. Think about how silly it sounds to make decisions based on a government report or even single chart or "technical pattern".

The first thing we need to do is take a deep breathe (We live better when we're breathing). Then we want to ask ourselves, "Ok, this is new data. How does this fit within the context of all the other data points". We also want to identify how much weight we want to put on this particular data point.

It's funny, when I first started studying for Sommelier exams, I caught myself doing the same thing. Instead of looking at the wine, smelling it, tasting it, thinking about what it could possibly be and then coming up with a guess, I was already making guesses just by looking at it. Light body? Pinot Noir!!! Heavy tannin? Napa Cab!!! Low acid white? Viogner all day baby! Wrong, Wrong and Wrong again!

Technical Analysis Is Voodoo!

September 12, 2019

If you've been in our world long enough you've heard someone say, "Technical Analysis Is Voodoo". As far as I'm concerned, the more people who think that the better it is for us! As Technicians we are analyzing the behavior of the market and its participants. Our human emotions are driven by fear and greed and therefore markets trend, by nature. This is why Technical Analysis works. Today I sit down with Sebastian, the wine maker at Rancho Maria Winery in Sonoma, CA, to discuss this very topic.

This Is A Global Stock Market

September 8, 2019

This is not just a Stock Market, this is a "Market of Stocks". And not just Stocks from America, but Stocks all over the world. Stocks don't move up and down because of what is happening in New York or Washington DC. They move based on the supply and demand dynamics for the asset globally. To suggest otherwise is irresponsible.

Let's look around the world, because it's the right the thing to do. And let's see how stocks look globally, rather than be narrow minded into thinking the world revolves around what happens within US borders. 

[Chart(s) Of The Week] The Importance Of Confirmation

August 16, 2019

One of the most important concepts we talk about in Technical Analysis is confirmation.

Whatever thesis we have, we need price to confirm it before we can act...and if it doesn't then we need to respect that and get out of the way.

Risk management is our main priority and two simple charts do a great job of highlighting why we wait for confirmation.

All Star Interviews Season 3, Episode 6: Todd Sohn, Technical Strategist at Strategas Securities

August 14, 2019

Todd Sohn is one of my favorite guys to talk to about the markets. He often sends me charts that no one else is looking at and points out important data that most people aren't talking about. His unique perspective on the market definitely makes him stand out from the rest. Todd and his team at Strategas do great work and it's a real pleasure to have him on the podcast. In this conversation we discuss the current environment for US Stocks, Interest Rates, Precious Metals and the sentiment driving current trends. He offers good advice for both new technicians and seasoned veterans. If you're at all interested in the market, this is an episode you can't miss. Enjoy!