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[Options] Minding the Gap

January 26, 2022

We're continuing the theme of monitoring relative strength in this tricky tape. The next leaders if/when a bull market resumes are revealing themselves now. Are you paying attention?

One of the names that is holding up relatively well recently, and one that also appears in our recent Follow the Flow report is Qualcomm $QCOM.

This week when the broader indexes printed their recent lows, $QCOM tested the low of a the range coming out of its breakaway gap last November and held. This is important.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Going Swimming in the Berkshires

January 25, 2022

I joined JC and Strazza today during their daily Twitter Spaces brainstorm and we got to kicking around ideas of how we want to play this market.

When prompted, I voiced my opinion that anything we do in the options space right here should involve being sellers of options. Premiums are elevated pretty much across the board. So whatever we do, let's get a tailwind to help us along. And for me right now, that tailwind is mean-reversion in options premiums.

We never know when premiums will trend back to normal, but we do know that they always eventually do. So we must position ourselves accordingly.

After kicking around a few ideas, collectively we agreed it's best to err in a household name that is unlikely to kill us if we get it wrong.


January 24, 2022

There you go.

I wrote that headline to save you the trouble of turning on your TV or following your favorite fear mongerer online. You're welcome.

Unless you've been lost in the wilderness for the last two weeks (not a bad place to have been, btw), then you no doubt know the bulls are currently in trouble.

The fake-out breakout in the Russell 2000 $IWM has turned into a full-blown route, the S&P 500 is testing levels last seen at the end of September and early October, and $VIX has printed the highest levels of the year. There's not a lot to be optimistic about right now -- especially if you're holding a bunch of long positions that are at or near stop-out levels like I am.

I got stopped out of a bunch of positions last week, two today (a long call spread in $STX and a short strangle in $XLK), and a couple more might get exited tomorrow if things don't stabilize here.

Into this maelstrom, we've been dialing back putting on new positions. During last week's holiday-shortened trading week, we only put one new position on -- and that may have been one too many ;)

[Options] They Are Only "Semi" Scared

January 19, 2022

While the US Stock Market has pulled back a bit this week, we've seen $VIX pop its head back up above 23 and print its highest levels in a month. And this isn't entirely surprising given that the highly watched Russell 2000 $IWM has been struggling to hold on to its yearlong support level of around 210.

But has the "all-clear" signal for the bears fired? Is it time to pile in short? We're not convinced yet.

Meanwhile, we've seen some pullbacks in semiconductors stocks we own ($NVDA and $MU most notably) that may get us stopped out soon. But when we zoom out to the bigger picture, as seen via the $SMH Semiconductors ETF, we see that we've been in a range for quite some time now. And even if we'd lose the support of this recent consolidation range at around 290, we can expect the 270-275 zone to offer a new level of support:

It's Your Growth Problem, Not Mine

January 15, 2022

Have you noticed the sense of entitlement from investors left holding the bag in these growth stocks?

Why is that our problem?

The rest of the planet doesn't care about your obsession with U.S. growth stocks. It's a much bigger world out there.

Oh, you fell for that narrative about a female rock star portfolio manager?

Too bad.

Oh, you decided to buy stocks that historically do poorly in rising rate environments, during a rising rate environment?

Too bad.

[Options] Sticking the Landing

January 12, 2022

The V-Bottom is back! (At least as of the time of this writing). What a bounce stocks have seen off Monday's nadir.

Have we stuck the landing and its back to new all-time highs for the broader indexes soon?

Time will tell. But the short term bet we're making today is that Monday's low will hold at least for a couple weeks. And today's trade in a leading stock in a leading sector reflects this stance. When in doubt, stick with the strongest names in the strongest sectors, right?

So that's brings us to Nvidia $NVDA.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] If You're Bullish, This Pullback is a Gift

January 10, 2022

On days and weeks like this, I love to look for opportunities to sell premium into the elevated implied volatilities we're seeing rising across the board. With $VIX back up above 20, you'd think there's been plenty to pick from.

Problem is, I haven't found any delta-neutral setups that look good today. Too many busted charts on the most liquid ETFs makes finding support levels that both make sense and offer enough premium to make it worthwhile from a safety standpoint hard to find.

So, as always, I reached out to my team from some other ideas.

We've been asking the question: "how bad can things be if we're seeing this kind of relative and absolute strength in the banking and financial sectors?"

Steve Strazza served up an interesting bullish play that is either a gift of a pullback, or we're buying the top. If you're market the bullish, then you gotta believe this idea has merit.


All Star Options

[Options Premium] Playing for a Short Term Range in Technology

January 7, 2022

Well well well, what do we have here?

The first two days of this week completed a nearly text book Santa Claus rally. Then on Wednesday, it appears the Fed may have stolen his Sleigh and now his reindeer have no idea which way to steer!

This indecision has played out in the options market by raising the risk premiums being asked across a wide sector of index ETFs.

At times like this, I like to go hunting for premium-selling opportunities. And I've got one teed up so lets get to it!

[Options] O-Micron!

January 5, 2022

If this blog post was served up to you when you were searching for the latest scare porn on the omicron covid pandemic, I'm sorry to disappoint. But if you'd like to draw a correlation between the rising omicron cases and rising share prices of Micron technology stock --- you wouldn't be the first person to commit a #ChartCrime in service of a good story.

Micron Technology $MU is a stock that's been on my radar since the team published the Under the Hood report around Christmas highlighting the setup.

Here's what they had to say:

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Base/Metal

January 3, 2022

The All Star Charts team put a report out about the Metals sector end of last week, highlighting undercurrents investors should be keeping an eye on. Not everything is sending "all-clear" signals yet. But there is one particular name that definitely has my attention and is offering a good reward-to-risk opportunity to get involved.

I'll spare you any further preamble and we'll get right into the money quote that has me interested:




[Options] It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint!

December 29, 2021

I'll spare you the suspense -- we're getting long Marathon Petroleum $MPC here.

The title of today's post is not a trite pun. We are indeed positioning for a bullish move, but it may take a little bit to develop the way we want it to.

Thankfully, the beauty of options trading is that we can craft a strategy that takes advantage of a slow-developing play. So let's get right to it.