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All Star Interviews Season 3, Episode 24: Katie Stockton, Founder & Managing Partner, Fairlead Strategies

June 19, 2020

I'm so excited to have Katie Stockton on the podcast. Katie is someone whose work I've followed my entire career. Even early on, she was there talking about oscillators and price behavior. She's certainly on the list of Technicians who have influenced my work over the years. Back in the day she worked with Mike Hurley, another friend of the podcast and our featured guest in mid-March. After spending most of her career on the sell side, Katie has adapted to the changes in traditional wall street research and has now gone independent, recently founding Fairlead Strategies. This was a fun conversation that I really enjoyed. Prior to recording, I told her to just pretend we're at a wine bar with our laptops. What would that sound like? This is that!

For all the charts mentioned on the show, please refer to Katie's latest report


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