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All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 14: Barry Ritholtz, Chairman & CIO of Ritholtz Wealth Management

January 7, 2019

This week on the podcast we have the "Blog-Father" Barry Ritholtz. Barry's Big Picture Blog has been a must read for me going back to 2006. He was one of the only voices of reason throughout 2007-2008 warning everyone of the coming collapse in stocks. He is also the author of one of my favorite books on that period, "Bailout Nation". Today, Barry is the Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of RWM, the hottest wealth management firm in the world right now. In this episode, Barry takes us back 20 years to his early blogging days, he tells us what it was like covering the financial crisis in 2008 and then writing a book about it. Today he's focused more of his attention on behavior finance and I really enjoyed some of his examples about our flaws and what we can do about them. We discussed a lot during this podcast: Emotional responses, evolutionary traits and the stupidity of people. Barry hosts one of the best podcasts in finance, Bloomberg's Masters In Business, so it was nice to flip the script and pick his brain for an hour. Enjoy!

  • Home Price Appreciation vs CPI - Rent  –
  • Median New Home Prices vs  Median Household Disposable Income –
  • Median New Home Prices vs Median Household Income–
  • Home Price Appreciation vs CPI for Rent –
  • Median Income Needed To Qualify For Median Home –
  • US Total New Privately Owned Housing Units Completed –
  • Bailout Nation –

Home Price Appreciation vs CPI - Rent


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Median New Home Prices vs Median Household Disposable Income


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Median New Home Prices vs Median Household Income


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Home Price Appreciation vs CPI for Rent


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Median Income Needed to Qualify For A Median Priced Home


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US Total New Privately Owned Housing Units Completed


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Bailout Nation


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