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Stocktoberfest Presentation Video and Slides

October 19, 2017

Every Fall for the past 7 years I've gone to beautiful Coronado, CA for the annual Stocktoberfest conference put on by Stocktwits. Sometimes they even let me get up and show off some of my favorite charts. They know that I rip through thousands of charts a week and I could literally be up on that stage all day talking about markets from all over the world. So this year they limited me to 15 charts in 15 minutes. Let's just say I cheated a little and brought a few more :)

This year's Stocktoberfest was different than the others. Rather than selling tickets, they just invited about 100 investors, analysts, members of the media and VCs to have some fun and share ideas. I liked that it was less formal than other years. It was cool. They did a really nice job.

Podcast Season 1 – Ep 8 – Larry McDonald, Bear Traps Report & NY Times Best Selling Author

October 18, 2017

Larry McDonald is not only one of my favorite authors and analysts, but also one of my favorite people. His perspective on markets, sentiment and investor behavior is like no other. Larry is the author of A Colossal Failure of Common Sense: The Inside Story of the Collapse of Lehman Brothers. It is a must read for any investor. While he tends to focus more on the Bond Market and Interest Rates, he incorporates an intermarket approach that includes currencies, equities and commodities. While this is a podcast specifically about Technical Analysis, I think Larry brings in a political and economic point-of-view to the behavior of markets, but ties it all together with the study of price. This conversation was a real treat for me personally. I think you'll get a lot from this one!

[Chart Of The Week] Silver Weakness Is Evidence Of Risk Aversion For Precious Metals

October 18, 2017

We don't have to complicate things. It's very simple. If there is actual risk appetite for precious metals, then Silver would be outperforming Gold, not the other way around. The Gold Bugs have little to say at this point, so some of them irresponsibly cherry-pick year-to-date returns to pretend Gold is in an uptrend. Some of them do it out ignorance while others need help selling whatever product preys on the poor souls who believe their conspiracy theories and end of world stories. There's a huge market for that kind of stuff. But for the rest of us who are humbly just trying to turn a profit in the market by managing risk responsibly, we need to look at things objectively.

About That Bull Flag in Small-caps

October 17, 2017

I'm not sure if you guys noticed what's been going on in Small-caps over the past couple of weeks, but I think it's worth pointing out. First of all, remember this has been a tremendous leading indicator for a long time. I was pounding the table in November about that historic breakout when the Russell2000 Futures engulfed the prior 18 weeks. That was nuts. I said then that we would likely be talking about that event for decades to come. More recently I pointed out the fresh breakout after a period of consolidation. Each of these came along with stocks as an asset class in a healthy environment. They're in an uptrend and they're all in one together. Small-caps have been a great tell for the trend of the markets. If you've been bearish or not as long as you should have been, it's probably because you haven't taken the Russell2000 seriously enough.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Members-Only Conference Call Thursday October 19th at 7PM ET

October 16, 2017

Every month I host a conference call for All Star Charts Premium Members where we discuss ongoing themes throughout the global marketplace as well as changes in trends where new positions would be most appropriate. This includes U.S. Stocks & Sectors, International Stock Indexes, Commodities, Currencies and Interest Rate Markets.

We've been bullish towards US and Global Stocks as they remain in strong uptrends on any sort of intermediate-term time horizon. I still think this is an environment where we need to be buying weakness in stocks, not selling strength. The weight of the evidence is still pointing to an increased amount of risk appetite, not risk aversion. We will go over a multi-timeframe approach on this conference call where we will start with the longer-term and then work our way down to more short-term to intermediate-term investing ideas. This will also include other assets like Gold, Silver, Crude Oil and Interest Rates.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Deep Dive Into Consumer Discretionary Stocks

October 10, 2017

Consumer Discretionary has to be one of the most important sectors in the U.S. With Consumer Staples taking a nose dive recently, especially relative to the S&P500, the approach has certainly been "risk on". Severe underperformance out of the Staples historically comes within an environment of rising stock prices. Consumer Discretionaries are typically a beneficiary of this appetite for risk towards equities.

Today we are taking a deep dive look at Consumer Discretionary Stocks pointing out the good, the bad and the ugly. This is a great area to focus on right now because are monster stocks in very clean uptrends as well as disasters that can still be shorted.


All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] What Banks Stocks Are Suggesting Right Now

October 8, 2017

We've been on the right side of the trend for stocks. A big reason for that was because of our focus on the Banking sector. Financials are one of the most important sectors on earth and it's hard for stocks as an asset class to fall if Bank stocks are healthy and breaking out to new highs. It's that simple. Pull up a 100 year old chart of J.P. Morgan $JPM and overlay the S&P500 chart. They look exactly the same. We want to always keep that in mind for future reference.

After such a nice run in stocks, and in Financials specifically, I think it's time to take a closer look at what is going on. Have we come too far? Or should we be expecting another leg higher? Rather than focusing on the sector ETFs or sector indexes, let's turn our attention to the actual components of this space. This weight-of-the-evidence approach is much more reliable and efficient than simply looking at an index representing that group. 

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] How Do Commodities And Currencies Fit Into Today's Environment?

October 4, 2017

You guys know how I feel about equities. We've been on the right of the trade while all the gloom-and-doomers and noisemakers are pulling their hair our of their heads trying to figure out why stocks won't fall. To me, it's been fairly clear: Stocks are in uptrends and that's what stocks in uptrends do, they go up. This has been the trend globally, domestically, large-caps, small-caps, you name it. Talk about breadth expansion, I couldn't tell you the last time I saw this much broad participation out of equities. I encourage you to go through the Chartbook and look through all of the International Stock Indexes, U.S. Averages, Sectors, Dow Components, Transportation Components and additional Stocks of Interest.

Podcast Season 1 - Ep 7 - Jason Goepfert,

October 3, 2017

Sentiment is one of the most important tools we have as Technicians. There is a lot of data out there and I think Jason Goepfert at does the best job of compiling it all and making it available for both professional and retail investors. I particularly like how Jason is self-aware of the pros and cons when it comes to analyzing sentiment. I think our discussion clears up some of the misconceptions and we go into detail about how to use it and when to take advantage of certain extremes. This was a real treat for me as I have personally been a subscriber for almost a decade.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Weekend Observations

October 2, 2017

A lot of people seem to be bearish of stocks. Some think they can go higher. But I think they can still go a lot higher. This was the point that I was making on our Conference Call 3 weeks ago. The information coming in since then continues to confirm all of the things we wanted to see. While I was pounding the table to be buying I also pointed to a group of things we wanted to see happen to make sure we were in the right direction. This included US Bank Stocks rallying with US Interest Rates, and Gold and Bonds falling. We wanted to see Europe break out along with U.K., rather than rolling over creating a big mess out there. Nikkei needed to recover and stay in a bullish range in momentum. Every single one of these things happened. So yes, I absolutely think we can still go a lot higher in stocks.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Taking A Hard Look At The Fresh Monthly Charts

September 30, 2017

I can't tell you guys how important it is to stop whatever you're doing and take a step back. It's so easy for us to get caught up in the day to day noise and forget about the underlying trends in the market. We're human. We're built to be this way. But recognizing this flaw is an important step in correcting it and trying to benefit from the fact that others are unaware. One of my favorite ways to do this is to look through a series of Monthly Candlestick Charts at the end of every month. Remember, we don't want to look at these mid-month as candles are incomplete. It is the final results that we are most concerned with.

We want to use this bigger picture strategy to identify the directions of the underlying trends in the market. This goes for all markets: Stocks, both U.S. and Globally, Interest Rates, Precious Metals, Energy, Currencies, etc. This is how we know what the trends are so we can then go to our weekly and daily charts to look for more tactical opportunities within those ongoing trends. This is a very important element to our top/down approach.