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All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Institutional ETF Risk Update Preview

December 21, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Yesterday after the bell we sent out our Year End '18 ETF Risk Update to our Institutional Clients, covering 100+ of the most actionable and informative charts. To put this report together we examined over 500 inter-market and cross-asset relationships across weekly & daily time-frames to identify trend direction, momentum, risk-management levels, and prices targets.

In this premium post I want to highlight a few charts from each of our five sections: Factors, International, Domestic, Fixed-Income, and Thematic/Niche. If you like what you see and want the full report, you can fill out our Institutional Client Application or contact our Head of Institutional Sales, Jonathan Bloom, for access.

Without further adieu, let's look at some charts.

Having an Interest in Rates

December 19, 2018

Bonds funds did a good job of getting everyone on the boat leaning one way, only to reverse and slam them in the other direction. The whole world seems to think interest rates have no where to go but up. However, those of us who follow the price of bonds know that reality has been sending us a different message.

The recent failed breakdown in $TLT (the 20-year bonds ETF) is a perfect example

All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 13: Brett Steenbarger, Trading Psychologist

December 19, 2018

Having Trading Psychologist Dr. Brett Steenbarger on the podcast was a huge treat for me. He works with the best traders on planet earth on a daily basis. Needless to say, when Dr. Brett is telling me something, I want to listen. In this episode, he let me ask him all the questions I was curious about and he happily answered them all with solid advice and relevant anecdotes. We make a lot of mistakes as investors because of our many flaws as humans. When our stress levels are elevated we start acting emotionally, instead of rationally. Taking losses is a difficult task for us, even though we all know that losses are part of the deal. I really enjoyed this conversation and it could have gone on forever if I didn't end it. I hope you get as much value from this chat as I did.

Which Way Are Interest Rates Heading?

December 17, 2018

Bonds Funds are breaking out to new 3-month highs. This comes after consensus this September was for higher US rates, and therefore, lower prices for bonds. When the market is leaning too much in any one direction, the unwind of that extreme positioning can be intense. That's what I believe has been happening throughout the 4th quarter.

Here are two charts that show rates could continue lower for some time. The first is a long-term chart of the US 10-year Yield failing to break out above the downtrend in place since 1981:

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Netflix and Chill

December 17, 2018

Coming down the homestretch of 2018 and Mother Market sure is making it interesting. Will a "Santa Claus" rally save global stocks? Or is the Grinch quietly whispering in her ear?

Speaking of the Grinch and classic holiday movies, my family's Netflix consumption has been on the rise this holiday season. But as we know, the stock market is a forward looking mechanism and the outlook as foretold by prices is suggesting that softness is ahead for $NFLX stock.

This being the holiday season and all, you'd be forgiven if you didn't want to put on any new risk heading into the New Year. But for those of us still standing in the ring ready to do battle, $NFLX is streaming a tasty short play opportunity.

All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 12: David Keller, Chief Strategist at Sierra Alpha Research

December 14, 2018

This week I'm thrilled to have David Keller on the podcast. He is a former President of the CMT Association and spent a long time at Fidelity, and Bloomberg before that. In this episode, the current Chief Strategist at Sierra Alpha walks us through why is approaching the U.S. stock market from a more neutral perspective. We discuss US Treasury Bonds, Rates, Gold, Crude Oil and other assets that are making new highs like Palladium. I really enjoyed this conversation, especially how David compares trading to risk management as a pilot. He likes to fly planes when he's not looking at charts. This was a fun chat.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Taking Money Out of Banks

December 13, 2018

From where I sit, the correction in banks is a long way from being resolved, and one of the biggest names in the biz appears to be teetering on the edge of a much more significant drop than already experienced. It's now down for the year and significantly below both 50- and 200-day moving averages.


[Options] Managing Vertical Spreads

December 12, 2018

So far in the early stages of this market correction (dare I say Bear Market? Too Soon?), I've been aggressively deploying Bear Call Spreads to attack bearish trading opportunities.

Bear Call Spreads are a version of a vertical spread that consist of a short call at or slightly out-of-the-money and a long call further out-of-the-money. The profit profile of bear call spreads typically maps out like this: