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Chart Summit Videos Are Up!

April 23, 2021

I hope you all enjoyed attending Chart Summit as much as I enjoyed hosting it!

I must say, I'm still amazed that we were able to pull that off, and I couldn't be more proud of the team behind me and the presenters virtually alongside me, who helped make it all possible.

A lot of you have reached out wondering how you can view the replays of last weekend's presentations. And well, the wait is over!

All the presentations have been archived and posted at As a heads up, you will be required to register to the site to access the replays, which is a quick and simple process. Don't worry.

All Star Charts Premium

Commodities Weekly (04-23-2021)

April 23, 2021

From the desk of Steven Strazza @Sstrazza and Ian Culley @Ianculley

Pockets of strength are once again emerging within the Commodity space.

We pointed out that both the CRB Index and the ASC EW33 Commodity Index were breaking above key resistance levels, pointing to a burgeoning upside move last week.

That upside move has now materialized!

We saw Industrial Metals -- including Copper, Steel, and Aluminum -- continue to follow-through as they grind higher. 

But this week’s biggest moves came from the Agricultural Commodities.

Let’s take a look at the recent strength in Ags using our custom ASC Equally-weighted Agriculture Index.

[PLUS] Weekly Observations & One Chart for the Weekend

April 23, 2021

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

This week marked the anniversary of Oil busting the theory that there is firm support at $0. Oil is currently trading around $62/bbl, which puts its $100 higher than where it closed on April 20, 2020 (-$38/bbl). Our custom equal-weight commodity index (which is 15% energy and 24% industrials metals, versus 39% & 13%, respectively, in the CRB index) continues to power higher, eclipsing not only its early 2021 peak but the 2012-2014 peaks as well. While Lumber gets a lot of headlines for making new highs - strength in commodities is much broader than that. While this may lead to some concern about rising inflationary pressures, it also says positive things about global growth and the prospects for global equities. You don’t need to be a commodity trader to appreciate & benefit from the current strength in commodities.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] The OTHER Computer Maker

April 23, 2021

Believe it or not, it's not just Apple that makes desktop and laptop computers. I know, some of the newer generations of consumers may be shocked to learn this.

But way back in the Before Times, there was another computer maker that dominated the consumer space and invented novel ways to deliver them to consumers.

These days, they are a long way from the mass market dominance they once enjoyed, but investors in the stock are enjoying the fruits of a resurgence.

Breadth Thrusts & Bread Crusts: How I “Discovered” Momentum

April 22, 2021

From the desk of Willie Delwiche.

I recently came across a conversation about momentum…

I was excited when I first saw it -- but disappointed when it didn't actually go anywhere.

Okay that's a joke. But I did see a momentum discussion. This time, it went somewhere. It even got me thinking about my own experience with momentum when it comes to making investment decisions.

Here's the story: 

Someone on Twitter asked whether momentum investing had a godfather of sorts, an established voice that lends an air of respectability to a discipline. Think about Warren Buffett (and before him, Graham & Dodd) with respect to value investing. There were interesting comments in the thread that followed the initial post and I saw more than a few references to Cliff Asness and the work he has done at AQR. While acknowledging the work he has done with respect to momentum as a strategy, Asness himself referenced several academics who have written on the subject over the past few decades.

Clues From Credit Markets

April 22, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza and Grant Hawkridge @GrantHawkridge

The credit market is overflowing with information. 

We haven’t discussed it too much lately… but that doesn’t mean we aren’t paying close attention.

It would be foolish to overlook it. After all, they call Bond traders the “smart money” for a reason... Right?

We’ve recently discussed the theme and likely implications of how so many major stock market indexes - in both the US and abroad, are hitting very logical levels of overhead supply right now.

We think it’s no coincidence that all of this is occurring at the same time. And you’ll never guess what else…

We’re also seeing this very same behavior from some of the most important Bond Market ratios we track, as many are currently running into crucial inflection points.

Agri Commodities In Focus

April 22, 2021

Over the past month, we've seen agricultural commodities catch a bid as they break out of overhead supply zones and long-term consolidations.

We're tracking some commodities that have been witnessing a sharp move and demand to be noticed. So let's dive right in!

Mustard has been on our radar for some time and a fierce move has come through over the last ten days. The price has absorbed all overhead supply and is zooming away as we speak. The price has been in a sideways trading range for more than seven months and is now on the move. The indicator is in bullish momentum territory, looking good for a move towards 7,900.

We are bullish above the level of 6,200 with a target near 7,900.

Click on chart to enlarge view.

A Mess, Not A Crash

April 21, 2021

I get asked a lot about why I don't think this is the beginning of a more severe correction.

We've been in the camp that the stock market is a hot mess, particularly in the U.S.

The indexes don't tell the whole story. OK, maybe the Nasdaq does a little...

And we went over all of that on last night's Live Video Conference Call.

But one chart that stands out to me that continues to suggest that this is more of a mess, rather than the beginning of a new crash, similar to last year or even Q4 2018.

It's the list of new lows.