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[PLUS] Weekly Observations & One Chart for the Weekend: Fed Turns Off Liquidity Spigot

January 13, 2023

From the Desk of Willie Delwiche.

Money supply is unchanged over the past year and has fallen at a never-before-seen 5% annualized rat over the past 3 months.

Why It Matters: Money supply growth peaked (on a year over year basis) at 27% in February 2021 as policymakers responded to the COVID crisis by flooding the financial system with liquidity. That growth has now dissipated and over shorter time periods money supply is actually contracting (it was down for the fourth month in a row in November). Collapsing money supply growth helps take the edge off of inflationary pressures in the economy (there is less money chasing all the goods & services). But liquidity is also the lifeblood of the financial markets. As with seedlings in the garden, when the spigot is turned off, green shoots turn brown and asset prices could struggle to flourish.    

All Star Charts Premium

Credit Spreads Contract

January 12, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley

If bond markets aren’t stressing, why should we be?

They’re the largest markets in the world. That’s why we constantly monitor credit spreads for signs of structural weakness and elevated risk.

But, as of now, we’re not seeing the slightest hint of impending catastrophe.

Despite the doom-and-gloom headlines popping up in your inbox and financial media talking heads spinning an imminent recession…

Credit spreads around the world are sending a clear message: "Relax."

Check out the overlay chart of option-adjusted high-yield credit spreads:

How'd You Do It?

January 12, 2023

In a recent note, I shared performance stats for our All Star Options Paid-to-Play portfolio, and in the time since, I’ve fielded numerous emails/DMs that all ask basically the same question:

How did you earn money in such a challenging market environment and do so with far lower volatility than the indexes?

Rather than responding individually, I thought it would be better for everyone if I just shared my thoughts here. After all, we can all benefit from good ideas, yeah?

I’ll try not to get us lost in the weeds with the mundane tactical maneuvers employed each trading day. Instead, I’ll stick to the high-level concepts which guide my thinking.