Initial Public Offerings are exactly that, the initial offering of shares to the investing public. That's the beginning of price history.
This is how it used to be in the old days anyway. Today, we regularly see companies going public so their investors can take profits on their early stage bets. There have usually been several rounds of money raising along the way.
The liquidity is to pay investors, and not necessarily just to raise cash to grow the company.
And that bothers some people. But not me. I don't really care.
I'm only here to try to make a few bucks off the whole thing.
This is a new development that's commanding our attention right now, mainly because these are the weakest conditions we’ve seen many of our breadth measures since last year.
At the same time (and just like JC mentioned in his...
Inventories on exchanges fell by a whopping 60k Bitcoin yesterday following eight days of consecutive positive closes.
This is the second greatest negative net change in exchange balances of all time, just trailing behind the -70k change in May 2016, which preceded one of Bitcoin's greatest bull markets ever:
These are the registration details for our Live Monthly Candlestick Strategy Session for Premium Members of All Star Charts.
This month’s Video Conference Call will be held on Monday August 2nd @ 6PM ET. As always, if you cannot make the call live, the video and slides will be archived and published here along with every other live call since 2015.
We debuted a new scan recently which goes by the name- All Star Momentum.
All Star Momentum is a brand new scan that pinpoints the very best stocks in the market. This time around, we have incorporated our stock universe of Nifty 500 as the base. Among the 500 stocks that we follow, this scan will pump out names that are most likely to generate great returns.
While we go through our lists of sectors and stocks on a weekly basis, we thought of launching a product that would highlight the names that are the strongest performers in our universe and those that are primed for an explosive move.
Just like The Outperformers scan, this is a list of stocks belonging to the sectors that display relative strength in the market at any given point in time. Since sector rotation is the lifeblood of a bull market, we will be ahead of the curve before the gears keep shifting.
We're going to flip the script a bit this week with our RPP Report. We typically don't publish a report during week's where we have a monthly conference call as JC covers our positioning and summarizes our key themes and views there.
But we didn't do one last week either because we had just published our Q3 Playbook which laid out our current position in a painfully detailed manner (it was 250 pages!).
In today's post, we're simply going to recap our "Key Themes For The Current Quarter" and update clients on some major developments that have taken place in the past few weeks.
We've got some important things to cover so let's get right to it!
As markets have gotten choppy lately, I've been on the hunt for more bearish and neutral trades to help balance out my predominantly long portfolio.
In this week's Follow the Flow report, Steve Strazza teed up a nice candidate for some downside exposure. The beauty is, the Options Gods are lining it up such that we can affordably take an aggressively bearish position that will pay off nicely if it works, while limiting our risk if we're wrong.
Key takeaway: Optimism most likely peaked earlier this year, as options activity and equity exposure have continued to trend lower in recent months. Yet, our sentiment indicators show no signs of fear. Of course, it’s hard to imagine an environment plagued by fear when the S&P 500 and Nasdaq push to new highs. However, when we look beneath the surface new highs contract while new lows expand. It seems each day a new bearish divergence in breadth emerges, adding to the fragility and deterioration of an already shaky foundation. Without a supportive backdrop, a price correction or volatility event could lead to a meaningful unwind in sentiment.
Sentiment Report Chart of the Week: New Highs?
The S&P 500 and the NASDAQ made new highs last week but looking beneath the surface tells a different story. There were as many stocks making new lows as new highs last week. Between the NYSE and NASDAQ, the new...