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All Star Options

[Options Premium] Our Old Pal Hal

November 4, 2022

We can't argue with price.

And price continues to tell us the Energy bull market still has legs.

Today's trade is a case in point where trading action today announced a declaration that an old-school oil services name wants to continue climbing higher.

Rule #6: Don't fight the FED (less valid than #1).

November 4, 2022

The lengths that grown adults will go to justify their reckless behavior continues impress.

One of the classic misnomers that you'll hear out there, especially these days, is: "Don't Fight The Fed"

How many times do you hear these fools say it?

They think they sound smart. They think they're clever.

They pretend to be historians, but all they're proving is that they're lazy, wrong and enjoy embarrassing themselves in front of everyone.

If you're going to quote the great Marty Zweig, the least you can do is quote him correctly.

All Star Charts Premium

A Relative Bid Goes a Long Way

November 4, 2022

From the Desk of Ian Culley @Ianculley

Bonds are an absolute dumpster fire

Everyone knows fixed income is having one of its worst years on record. And, from the looks of it, we’ll all be dragging our Christmas trees to the curb before US Treasuries stage a miraculous comeback. 

Don’t get me wrong. I believe these safe haven assets will dig in and catch higher –  eventually. There’s just no sign of it happening any time soon.

Instead of focusing on the disappointing performance of bonds, let’s turn our attention to its relative trends against other major asset classes – stocks and commodities.

Here’s the commodities versus bonds ratio using the CRB Commodity Index and the 30-year Treasury bond futures:

The commodity/bond ratio completed a bearish to bullish trend reversal last year after violating a decade-long downtrend.

This major intermarket shift caught many off-guard, as 12 years of underperformance led the industry to...

Icahn Takes a Big Stake in CCK

November 4, 2022

The most significant insider transaction on today's list comes in a 13D from Carl Icahn.

Icahn reported a new position in the mid-cap packaging and container stock, Crown Holdings $CCK.

Tilt Prevention

November 3, 2022

The concept of “Tilt” is often discussed when things have gone awry. It’s usually associated with poor risk management and sloppy trading that has led to larger-than-expected losses.

You can no doubt find endless stories of traders in every timeframe who have gone on tilt and proceeded to wreck their month, their capital, and sometimes even their careers.

We’ve all experienced some degree of this in our own trading. It comes with the territory. It takes a rare human who possesses the mental fortitude to stay completely focused no matter what’s happening to their portfolio. Those people are out there – but they’re hard to find.

The downsides of going on tilt when our trades or strategies aren’t working out are fairly obvious.

But we rarely talk about when we go on tilt with a winning position!