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[Options Premium] Hold Your Fire

January 2, 2019

Just as the final week of the year -- the days between Christmas and New Year's Day -- are generally to be avoided by anyone looking to put new options trades on, so too are the first couple trading days of any new year. Especially this one. It was highly unlikely you were going to make your year by trading during the holidays, and similarly, there's no reason to believe that any trades you nail on the first trading days of 2019 will be memorable this time next year.

As I type this at 12:45am ET, overnight S&P Futures have already traded as high as +34  and as low as -25 from Monday's close. And I expect further indecisiveness to be pervasive during the first two full trading days in 2019. Sure, the nimblest of day traders likely will have a lot of action this week to make it worth their while, but those of us looking to put on options spreads with several weeks or months until expiration will best be served letting some of the nuttiness of the first 48 hours shake out. As such, we'll be sitting on our hands until the end of the week, waiting until Friday to put on our first new position of 2019 (stay tuned!).

Meanwhile, we do have open positions with January expirations that will warrant our attention this week. Here is a quick breakdown of current positions with January expirations that we're still in (haven't hit our profit targets):



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