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[Options Premium] Chill Out And Sell Some Premium

October 29, 2018

It has been a wild couple of weeks for participants in US equities. Up is down. Black is White. Dogs sleeping with cats. This is what happens when market regimes go through change. The ripples can be seismic.

The one thing we can count on as options traders is that implied volatility -- more specifically, the fear premium being priced into options right now -- will eventually subside. If there is anything that can be counted on to be "mean-reverting" in this crazy world of ours -- it is most definitely implied volatility. This means we definitely want to be on the hunt for opportunities to put elevated options premiums to work for us. We want to be net sellers of options here.

With 53 days until December options expiration, now is the ideal time to start scanning the most liquid ETF options in our universe for income trades.

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