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[Options Premium] Protection Starts With a Plan

October 12, 2018

What a week, eh?

Long trades getting blown up all over the place. Luckily for us, we'd had a good run coming into last week with opportunities to take profits in a lot of our positions. That makes the exits and adjustments that have been forced upon us the last few days a bit more palatable. In both cases, the profits and losses were taken according to our plans as laid out when we entered into the trades in the first place. Weeks like this are a good reminder of why we put trade plans together up front to begin with. When markets start getting wacky, the last thing we want to be doing is scrambling in the wind, trying to keep our heads about us as we're struggling to assemble puzzle pieces on a board that won't stay still.

The good news is, rising volatility will likely offer us some good higher probability income trades in the coming days and weeks to hopefully more than make up for this week's reality check.

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