Tesla and Elon immediately went on to create more shareholder value during the back half of last year than any other stock on the planet.
Talk about one for the good guys!
Now fast forward to mid-March of 2025, the present, and I think there's a similar opportunity brewing in shares of Tesla once again.
I was on the phone with normies yesterday, and it shocked me just how upset they are with Elon Musk and Tesla. They were talking about boycotting twitter and how one of their college professors apologized for using Tesla as a case study in their masters program.
I'm not the type of person who follows the "news". So it caught me a bit off guard just how upset they were with Elon.
Coincidentally, this Friday I saw a Tesla commercial online and noticed that my friend's husband was actually featured right at the beginning of it. So I texted her and asked if that was in fact her husband in the Tesla commercial because I found that so funny, and random.
Her response was that yes, it was him. But added, "It seemed a lot cooler before Elon went crazy".
When I see emotions like this from civilians, especially when I didn't see it coming at all, that kind of sentiment stands out.
And just look at the stock. Tesla has retraced exactly 61.8% of the entire rally off the late 2022 lows. Do you think just that's a coincidence?
Also notice that key reversal this week, right at that key retracement level:
There are several ways to play this one from the long side.
But keep in mind, that this isn't a political thing. So don't turn it into one.
I don't care who your president is. I don't care who you voted for. I don't care what car you drive. And I definitely don't care about your conspiracy theories.
When it comes to the market, I'm only interested in making money. None of that other stuff is relevant. Some people are just too mentally weak to overcome those things, and therefore can't think straight.
Those are the exact types of people who we're trying to profit from in a squeeze like this.
These are the same folks who helped us crush this exact same trade during the back half of last year. If it wasn't for their mental disabilities, those opportunities would not have been created.
So we want to be grateful. Don't forget that part. Gratitude goes a long way.
These folks we're describing are the vulnerable ones here. They're the ones who I believe are offsides. They can't think straight because of all the political poison rotting their brains. At least, that's the bet we're making anyway.
I will be walking through all the details of this trade for Premium Members of ASC Research tomorrow during our LIVE Conference Call.
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