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No One Watches Cable News Anymore

October 19, 2024

Most of us somehow know people who still consume basic cable television news.

It's like watching someone who's obese shop at the grocery store, buying all their cereal and "fat free" cookies. It's terrible. 

It's like seeing the alcoholic walk into the bar at noon and the bartender automatically knows to serve him the regular 2 shots and a beer.

The cable news people are the bartenders giving you the poison that you desire, at the worst possible time that they could possibly serve it to you.

It's like walking into a casino in Reno, NV to see people who have no money, are in terrible health, and have no business being inside a casino, sitting there all afternoon putting money into slot machines.

This is what the sick individuals who still consume basic cable news are doing to themselves.

It's sad to watch them struggle so much and slowly kill themselves. You may not see it easily on the outside, but their souls are dying or already dead on the inside. 

The good news is there are fewer and fewer of these suffering individuals left who are still poisoning themselves in these antiquated ways.

Look at the viewership completely collapsing over the past decade.

Thank goodness.

If you're rooting for humanity...

If you're tired of seeing people suffering through the poison that is basic cable television news, then you're happy to see this chart above.

I know I am.

There's a reason I still occasionally appear on basic cable.

I'm doing what I can to help. 

I don't have the time (or the desire) to be a regular contributor to basic cable television news networks, but I'll pop in every once and a while.

It's the least I can do.

Remember when I told Maria Bartiromo back in October of 2022 that we were in a raging bull market and we were buying stocks very aggressively?

She looked at me like I was crazy, because no one else was saying that kind of thing on basic cable news at the time. And certainly not on FOX during a Biden administration...

The truth is, the reason I know for a fact that basic cable television is only designed to hurt you, vs what they claim to be doing, is because I've sat behind the desk at every single one of those networks over the years. And in many cases, I've appeared a whole bunch of times.

I've even co-hosted my own shows, like CNBC fast money back in the day. I think that show might actually still exist, I'm not sure. 

Trust me. These basic news networks are not here to help you.

Basic cable television is only designed to get you to consume.

They're job is NOT to give you the news.

They're ONLY job is to convince you that you are "lost" and falling behind if you're not consuming the poison they're serving you.

They know the game.

They know that the most ignorant of humans are not familiar with the game.

And they know how to take advantage of it.

The consumer is just sitting there eating their Cheetos, taking shots of tequila at noon on a Tuesday, and putting all their money into high tech slot machines with pretty lights that make loud noises.

The news networks know.

They know you don't know.

And they're killing you softly for it.

And many of you let them.

Shame on you.

It's not fair to your family.

Just stop. Cold turkey.

Trust me, it gets better.

Have a nice weekend.

- JC


See what else is happening...

Yesterday was our LIVE Mid-Month Conference Call for Premium Members of ASC Premium Research.

This is where we dive into the biggest themes of the market today, identify specific trade ideas, go over our strategy as we finish up the year, and discuss what the market would have to do for us to shift our approach around heading into year end.

Check out the video replay here, download all the charts, and review each of the new trade ideas.

If you're not already a Premium Member of ASC Research, you can sign up here RISK FREE and get 24/7 access to all the Premium Content and Trade Ideas.

On Wednesday I sat down with the Grandfather of Day Trading, Kenny Glick, to talk about how to find the biggest moving stocks of the day, every day.

There's no one in the world who has been day trading longer than Kenny Glick because, to be fair, day trading didn't exist before Kenny started trading this way in the 1990s.

Earnings season happens to be a particularly hot time for Kenny’s system – and he’s sharing enough winners on a daily basis to get you on the golf course by noon.

You read that right: Kenny trades from about 9:15 a.m. ET until about 11, 11:30. He uses two lines – one’s blue (the standard VWAP), one’s orange (the multi-day VWAP).

There are three things you want to know when you make a trade: Why am I buying this? Where is it going? And what if I’m wrong? 

VWAP is the answer to all three questions.

And you too can learn how to use it.

Let me know what you think!

I'll be flying out to beautiful Coronado, CA tomorrow for the return of Stocktoberfest.

If you're in town for the event, shoot me a note and we'll meet up.

See you there!