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Saturday Morning Chartoons: Seasonal Headwinds

July 17, 2021

It's Saturday Morning Chartoons time. 

This is the weekly post that aggregates all the charts we put together throughout the week and organizes them all into one, easy to flip through deck.

I've also promised you guys that I would do my best to highlight the work of some of my friends who I think do a good job of analyzing markets. 

So today I want to show you a seasonal chart from Ari Wald, Head of Technical Analysis at Oppenheimer.

The main chart represents the US Presidential Cycle peaking in the 3rd quarter of Post-Election years. That's this quarter.

Click Chart to Zoom in

On the lower right, Ari did a nice job of showing the annual seasonal cycle going back 30 years. This one peaked yesterday, July 16th. 

We've discussed the deteriorating market breadth. We've talked about the Intermarket relationships all rolling over, particularly in the bond market and currency markets. And sentiment-wise, there simply aren't any bears left. Whenever that happens, the market has a funny way of quickly creating new ones.

So from a seasonality perspective, when would be the perfect time for the S&P500 to correct? The answer is now.

We discussed all of this and more in our latest Quarterly Playbook. Premium Members can download that here.

And also don't forget to register for Monday night's Live Conference Call. You can register here if you haven't already.

Here are this week's Saturday Morning Chartoons.


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