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Positioning For A Push Higher In The Dollar

June 24, 2021

From the desk of Steven Strazza @Sstrazza and Ian Culley @IanCulley

There’s no question the landscape in the currency market has dramatically changed with the US Dollar reasserting its dominance in recent weeks.

You can read more about this in our weekly currency post, but here’s an excerpt with the long and short of it:

King dollar is definitely back in the driver’s seat from a tactical viewpoint as we’ve seen a significant shift in favor of USD over the near term. But even the intermediate and long-term trends for most major FX pairs have flipped in the direction of the Dollar over the past month or so.

Considering this broad-based strength, it’s clear that bulls are back in control of the Dollar… at least from a near-term perspective.

So, earlier in the week we analyzed the US Dollar Index $DXY and outlined some critical levels to watch over the short run.

Now, we’re going to take it a step further and highlight a handful of tactical trade ideas in USD crosses as vehicles to express our bullish thesis. 

Let’s dive in!

The currencies we are about to discuss, as well as many others, recently suffered some serious structural damage against the Dollar. Many have bounced right back toward key levels in the past few sessions.

As such, these are all tactical setups and some will require downside follow-through and confirmation before we have a clear directional bias on longer timeframes.

BUT, the most important takeaway is simply that we CAN’T BE LONG these crosses here as they are now trapped beneath significant areas of overhead supply.

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