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[Premium] These Are Stocks We Want To Buy

February 7, 2018

The market is never going to give us what we want. We have to take what the market gives us. Play the hand we're given, not the hand we wish we had. What worked in one market environment is not going to work in another. That's why all those filters fail so frequently, because you're trying to take something from the market instead of taking what it is giving us.

This week, a spike in volatility caused forced selling in stock index vehicles that trickled down to ETFs and individual stocks. We did not see any stress, however, in credit markets, currencies or any of the commodities like Crude Oil or Gold. This is further evidence that we want to continue be buyers of weakness, like we have been throughout all of last year and most of 2016. There will be periods where we want to be sellers of strength, but I don't believe that is the correct approach today.


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