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[Premium] How Do Commodities And Currencies Fit Into Today's Environment?

October 4, 2017

You guys know how I feel about equities. We've been on the right of the trade while all the gloom-and-doomers and noisemakers are pulling their hair our of their heads trying to figure out why stocks won't fall. To me, it's been fairly clear: Stocks are in uptrends and that's what stocks in uptrends do, they go up. This has been the trend globally, domestically, large-caps, small-caps, you name it. Talk about breadth expansion, I couldn't tell you the last time I saw this much broad participation out of equities. I encourage you to go through the Chartbook and look through all of the International Stock Indexes, U.S. Averages, Sectors, Dow Components, Transportation Components and additional Stocks of Interest. They can all be found here on multiple timeframes.

Today lets turn our attention to the commodities and currency markets. There are always uncorrelated trades we can find in these workbooks of charts that can help diversify a portfolio.




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