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[Premium] Should Stock Market Bulls Be Concerned About Credit Spreads?

August 17, 2017

The way I learned it was that the Bond Market is smarter than the Stock Market. I've heard theories that it's because the Bond Traders are smarter than stock jockeys. Maybe it's because the Bond market is a lot bigger than the Stock Market. Maybe it's all a bunch of nonsense. Who knows? The way I like to approach it is simply to use them both to my advantage equally. They both play a role in the process. When we see evidence of risk appetite in the stock market, we want to see the bond market confirming that and vice versa. It's when one is suggesting one thing and the other is signaling something else that we start to question what is really going on here.

Today we're going to focus on 3 specific spreads that we want to be watching closely here as the Summer comes to an end.

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