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[PREMIUM CONTENT] An Open Letter About Today's Market Environment 11-24-15

November 24, 2015

Dear Readers,

Last week I published an open letter about the current market environment and went over a lot of the things that I’m seeing out there in stocks, commodities, currencies and interest rate sensitive markets. I have to tell you that I’ve never received so much positive feedback from anything I’ve ever written. All Star Charts first launched 5 years ago and I’ve been writing and sharing ideas on the platform pretty much every single day since. I’ve written thousands of posts and shared 10’s of thousands of charts, but you guys came back to me last week more than you ever have in the past. I want to thank you for that.

It seems more appropriate now than ever to follow up with some of the things that I’m seeing today.

I look at stock markets and asset classes all over the world to approach the marketplace from more of a weight-of-the-evidence, top/down perspective. This way I can formulate a thesis, confirm that by what I’m seeing elsewhere, and then put together a plan that presents the best risk vs reward scenario in order to best execute going forward.

This week marks the beginning of the end for

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