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Silver Must Join the Party

November 14, 2023

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Miami is pure gold.

It sways to its own beat, enticing and intoxicating even the insular traveler.

Incidentally, I was engulfed by the city’s rhythm as I attended a family wedding last weekend.

And it was wild!

I danced with family and friends and sipped bubbles at sunset in Key Biscayne straight through to the early morning hours along South Beach.

But this old dog would never have made it to dawn without my wife’s crazy cousins. 

They displayed an appetite for reckless abandon that gold longs to witness from its own crazy cousin…


Gold wants to party like a rock star until the wee hours as it twists and turns toward a new all-time high.

Unfortunately, silver doesn’t want to dance.

Check out gold futures overlaid with the silver-to-gold ratio:

The silver-to-gold ratio can’t find its feet. Instead, it remains glued to a shelf of former lows.

Silver needs to make its way to the dance floor if gold has any chance of reaching a new high. But silver must not only participate, it must take the lead.

Money flows to the riskier areas of the precious metal space when the market rewards investors for owning gold and related mining stocks. Silver outperforming gold is a clear indication of increased risk-seeking behavior as gold’s crazy cousin shines. 

Investors want the juice. And silver has all the right moves. It just hasn’t found the beat – yet. When it does…

Gold will glitter, seducing even the most devout tech investor.

Stay tuned!

Click here to watch this week’s Gold Rush Video:

Remote video URL

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