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The Richness of Community

May 28, 2024

Stop me if you’ve heard this already: We had a good time in beautiful Sonoma, California last week at our Portfolio Accelerator event.

[caption id="attachment_257904" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] ASC Team. Sonoma 2024.[/caption]

But what you might have yet to hear is this: We have incredibly smart, driven, and open-minded clients and friends. And this includes you.

As wonderful as it always is for me to be able to get together in person with my All Star Charts team – which is normally spread out across the globe – it is even better to be able to interact with clients who use our research and execute on our ideas every day.

Sure, it’s great when our clients are complimentary of our efforts. Who doesn’t love a pat on the back? But it is even more rewarding when they get an opportunity to ask us questions about WHY we are thinking or doing the things we’re thinking or doing.

Our clients were in the room with us as our analyst team fleshed out trading ideas. But they didn’t just listen – they were part of the brainstorm. They had input. And they had great ideas of their own – many even better than ours!

When we get a bit of back and forth with our clients, it challenges my assumptions. It reveals potential blind spots. And when I field these questions, the act of explaining and educating my processes is also incredibly beneficial to me as well. It opens my mind to ways I can do or explain something better.

It has often been said that you don’t fully understand something until you can clearly communicate it to someone else.

For three days in Sonoma in both formal and informal settings, I got to interact with some of you as well as some of our special guests in a way that left me better educated, open to new ideas, rejuvenated both mentally and spiritually, and motivated to tackle the back half of 2024.

I can’t put a price on that. We’re all richer for having been there.

And for those of you who are here, reading this newsletter, my commitment to you is to make us all richer for being here!

From me and my team: Let’s go!

Trade 'em Well,

Sean McLaughlin
Chief Options Strategist
All Star Charts, Technical Analysis Research

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