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Sonoma + Charts

May 21, 2024

Just a quick Programing Note:

I'm with the whole All Star Charts team in Sonoma, CA for a few days working together to figure out how to extract as much money from this market as possible.

We will not be doing a Morning Show this week, but we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programs next Tuesday after Memorial Day.

Sonoma has become a special place to me after living here with my now wife for 5 years. This was after over a decade in New York City.

We're now back east but Sonoma will always be a part of our lives. We met a lot of friends, I started a winery here and this place is just awesome. So why wouldn't we want to come back?

I can tell you now looking back on it all that with big changes like that in my life came incredible new perspective, not just in my own life but from different cultures around the world.

People in Sonoma, Napa and California in general are just different in so many ways, compared to people in New York and the northeast.

And not so much better or worse, as just different. The way people think, act and how they prioritize things just aren't the same as how I was living before in the heart of New York City. It couldn't have been more different, in fact.

Living out West also gave me the opportunity to travel to Asia quite a bit, which were life changing experiences for me, to say the least.

I couldn't be happier to have our whole team together in one of my favorite parts of the world, right in the heart of wine country.

We all meet every Wednesday over zoom and talk markets and share ideas already. We've been doing that for years.

But there's just something about getting together in one room that can really bring out the best value out of one another.

Plus I get to meet the people I work with every day for the very first time.

Grant Hawkridge is here from Australia. We've been working together for 4 years and still had never met.

Where he lives looks a lot like this, so he feels right at home.

We have quite the crew here in town including Steve Strazza who flew up from Key West, FL, Sean McLaughlin in from Boulder, Ian Culley from Florida, Alfonso Depablos from Venezuela, Louis Sykes flew here all the way from New Zealand.

I'm telling you guys from the bottom of my heart, this is the type of stuff that makes this community so great.

All these folks love trading markets, talking about trades and strategies, and are all just good people you want to have around you.

Patrick Dunuwila, Editor of the Chart Report is here too. Spencer Israel, co-host of the Morning Show on StockMarket TV is here, Mary - who is the person you want to talk to if you ever need anything - is here from Michigan as well.

This crew is amazing.

Just last night we were eating tacos and arguing about LEAPs, which are just options contracts that don't expire for more than a year basically, among other unique characteristics.

But the in depth discussion being had about something most of us rarely even trade was hilarious. Many of us have very strong opinions about something that I think only a couple of us in the group have ever even traded.

So good.

Today and the rest of the week we'll be debating ideas and strategies across asset classes, including Stocks both domestic and global, Rates all over the world, across the curve, Gold, Energy, Forex Markets, Crypto Currencies, new trading platforms, new data sets we've acquired and whatever else any of the team wants to discuss.

This is a really special group and I'm incredibly fortunate to get to be a part of it.

I'm confident that we'll be coming out of here with a fresh mindset, a list of new ideas and strategies we want to work on, and I fully plan on sharing with you what comes out of this all.

I'll be in touch in the meantime sharing some thoughts.

Look forward to filling you in!


Now go see what else is happening around All Star Charts...


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