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[Options] Pruning the Garden

April 18, 2024

Whoa! What a week for pruning the garden!

I closed out eleven positions in five trading days. Unfortunately, many of them were losers. But the good news is all the losers were small (less than 1% of my portfolio capital each). Losers are never fun. But when they’re small, we will survive to trade again.

And the better news is that some of the exits this week represent the harvesting of large open profits. The size of the wins, while fewer in number, more than offset the sting of the losses.

When I’m doing it right, that’s how it’s supposed to work!

Check out my thoughts on the current market environment and the action among open trades in All Star Options in today’s Jam Session:

Trade 'em Well,

Sean McLaughlin
Chief Options Strategist
All Star Charts, Technical Analysis Research


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