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It's Malicious Intent

December 18, 2023

I've been getting emails and messages all year about how it's possible that Wall Street could have gotten this year so wrong.

The financial media with all their gloom and doom has missed the entire bull market.

How could they be so dumb? How could they have been so wrong?

Let me be clear: They are not dumb. They are not trying to avoid being wrong.

It's malicious.

Wall Street is not here to help you. The financial media doesn't care about you or your portfolios.

They're just trying to keep their jobs.

Do you think Mr. Sell Side Guy is going to put you and your best interests ahead of little Timmy's private school, and his wife's country club membership, and his fancy vacation?

Hell no.

It's never going to happen.

It's much safer to just make up some fairytale about a recession or inflation or the negative implications of a war, than just tell you the truth.

The truth is not even an option. It's just how they spin it that matters in the end.

You, the investor, are NOT the priority.

You never were.

The financial media isn't dumb either. They know exactly what they're doing.

It's not their job, nor it is in their best interest, to tell you the truth.

Again, like the shady, weak-minded, Wall Street sell side, the media just wants you to consume their content, at whatever cost.

The truth is not an option.

Clicks, views and listens. That's all that matters.

Your portfolio is not their concern at all.

So it becomes malicious.

They only live to help themselves, AT YOUR EXPENSE.

2023 was a good example, of course. But when you've been at this for decades, this was just another year. We've seen it plenty of times before and we will most certainly see it again.

Likely in 2024 lol.

And then again in 2025.

They'll prance around their sell side year end targets like some kind of beauty pageant for the ugly.

The uniformed, uneducated consumer who doesn't know any better will take them at their word, and as usual, will get screwed over at the end.

Price is what pays.

Asset prices trend.

Nothing else matters.

Why do you think we've been buying stocks all year?

Because sectors kept rotating. Because breadth continued to broaden, both domestically among stocks as well as internationally across countries.

If you've been following along, then you've likely benefited from hearing the truth.

You see, we don't have ulterior motives.

We're just trying to make money for our own portfolios. We don't care whether it's a bull market, bear market or sideways market. It doesn't matter to us at all.

I always tell you what I'm doing. And I always telling you what I'm seeing.

I may not always be right, but at least you're hearing the unbiased truth.

And that obviously goes a long way.

So thank you for all the support this year. Thanks for taking the ride with us.

But what we did this year is going to have little or no impact on what we do next year.

It's time to prepare.

Join me Monday night @ 6PM ET and I'll break it all down.

Premium Members can REGISTER HERE.

See you there!

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