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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (07-06-2023)

July 6, 2023

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

I said this morning that if we break the 440 level on $SPY we can see 438.

We hit 437, then we bounced.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Here are today’s trades:

  • I bought $NVDA at 416.30 and 417.80 and sold at 418.43.
  • I bought $AAPL at 189.78 and sold at 190.48.
  • I shorted $QCOM at 115.11 and covered at 114.51.

I booked one loser:

  • I shorted $ADBE at 478 and covered at 481.52. It was a small trade.

I have open long positions in $HES, $VXX, $AMZN, $BABA, and $GS.

I have open short positions in $QQQ, $KLAC, and $NFLX.

Have a great evening. Look for the Morning Briefing on Friday.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team