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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (06-02-2023)

June 2, 2023

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

The S&P 500 is nearing the 4,300 level -- June is starting out very strong.

The question is, will it last?

I'll trade the ideas and stick to certain themes I have.

Always remember, shorts are VERY hard. Most should never short. Know your risk.

Here are today’s trades:

  • I bought $GOOGL on May 31 at 123.89 and sold it today at 124.48.
  • I shorted $TTD at 78.07 and 77.02 and covered at 76.27.
  • I bought $EXPE at 101.96 and sold it at 102.50.
  • I bought $CAT at 219.04 and sold it at 219.60. Who knew it would fly more!
  • I shorted $ADBE at 435.30 and covered at 434.

I also called out $IWM at 179.80.

I have open long positions in $HES and $VXX and open short positions in $QQQ, $KLAC, and $NFLX.

I've been in $SSO in my long-term account, which the STPers in the live trading room know about, since 46.

I sold it all today at 53.39.

Have a great weekend. Look for the Morning Briefing on Monday.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team