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Another Great Quarter for Stocks

March 31, 2023

The S&P500 is on track to put up another terrific quarter of returns - up over 5% so far for Q1 2023.

And remember, this comes after rallying over 7% in Q4 2022.

These are very impressive results for equities, despite all the gloom and doom they're telling your parents on the evening news.

Funny, as strong as stock market returns have been in America the past 2 quarters, European equities have been exponentially stronger.

The Euro STOXX 50 is up over 13% in Q1. And this comes after a monster quarter in Q4 last year where Europe rallied 25%.

These are some of the greatest stock market returns of all time.

Meanwhile, the glorified gossip columnists are telling you it's a crisis.

You see the difference?

We'll be discussing all of this on Monday night's LIVE Conference Call.

This week marks the end of the month and the end of the quarter.

So we have a ton of data to go through together on Monday Night's Live Video Conference Call.

Premium Members can register for that here.

One of the things we'll be discussing is the relentless strength out of growth stocks. It wasn't just a record January for these names - the buyers kept on buying all quarter.

And it's not, "just 5 stocks driving returns" for the Nasdaq. That's a lie. In fact, the equally-weighted Technology Index is America's best performing sector this quarter.

If math plays any role in your decision making, then you know it's not "just 5 stocks".

And this I think is where the 2-to-100 Club plays such a complimentary role in our top/down approach.

This is a list of Growth stocks that we think can be the next $100B Companies. In this environment, this list is a great starting point for new long ideas.

You can check out the full explanation of the 2-to-100 Club and our favorite trades from the list here.

Stocks keep going up.

More and more of them are joining the party.

Fewer and fewer stocks are going down.

Investors are pessimistic. They think this is a bear market.


That's how we like it.

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